Results for 'Heinrich Otto Galen'

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  1.  14
    Heinrich Ganthaler/otto Neumaier, Anfang und Ende des Lebels. Beiträge zur medizinischen Ethik. [REVIEW]Heinrich Ganthaler & Otto Neumaier - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (3):311-313.
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  2. Exigences of ethics in technical culture: Principles of ethics in concordance with nature.Heinrich Beck & Otto Friedrich - 2000 - Humanitas 27:49.
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    Das Verhältnis von mechanischer und teleologischer Naturerklärung bei Kant und Lotze..Otto Heinrich Frommel - 1898 - Erlangen,: Druck von E.T. Jacob.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Anfang und Ende des Lebens: Beiträge zur medizinischen Ethik.Heinrich Ganthaler & Otto Neumaier (eds.) - 1997 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    Bolzano und die österreichische Geistesgeschichte.Heinrich Ganthaler & Otto Neumaier (eds.) - 1997 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
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    Rationalität und Emotionalität.Heinrich Ganthaler, Otto Neumaier & Gerhard Zecha (eds.) - 2009 - Wien: Lit.
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  7. Biologie des Stoffes.Otto Heinrich Muck - 1947 - Leipzig,: J. A. Barth.
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    Carl Jantke: Der vierte Stand, Herder-Verlag, Freiburg 1955, 238 pp. [REVIEW]Otto Heinrich V. D. Gablentz - 1956 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 8 (3):282-283.
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    StrindbergHaussmann: Paris TransformedThe German Cinema.James Milton Highsmith, Otto Reinert, Howard Saalman, Roger Manvell & Heinrich Fraenkel - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30 (4):571.
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    1856–1858.Otto Meißner, Jac Moleschott, Heinrich Wuzer, Heinr Benecke, L. Tilliard, Wilhelm Bolin, F. Ludwig, L. Knapp, Arnold Rüge, G. F. Kolb, Otto Wigand, Heinrich Benecke, August Goldberg, J. Roth, J. Schachtel, Ferdinand Kampe & L. Feuerbach - 1996 - In Otto Meißner, Jac Moleschott, Heinrich Wuzer, Heinr Benecke, L. Tilliard, Wilhelm Bolin, F. Ludwig, L. Knapp, Arnold Rüge, G. F. Kolb, Otto Wigand, Heinrich Benecke, August Goldberg, J. Roth, J. Schachtel, Ferdinand Kampe & L. Feuerbach (eds.), Briefwechsel Iv. De Gruyter Akademie Forschung. pp. 107-214.
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  11. Briefwechsel Iv.Otto Meißner, Jac Moleschott, Heinrich Wuzer, Heinr Benecke, L. Tilliard, Wilhelm Bolin, F. Ludwig, L. Knapp, Arnold Rüge, G. F. Kolb, Otto Wigand, Heinrich Benecke, August Goldberg, J. Roth, J. Schachtel, Ferdinand Kampe & L. Feuerbach - 1996 - De Gruyter Akademie Forschung.
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    Autorität und Legitimität im heutigen Staat.Otto Heinrich Von Der Gablentz - 1959 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 3 (1):78-99.
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  13. Kants politische Philosophie und die Weltpolitik unserer Tage.Otto Heinrich von der Gablentz - 1956 - Berlin,: Colloquium Verlag.
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  14. Pfordten, Otto von der, Religionsphilosophie.Heinrich Scholz - 1918 - Kant Studien 22:153.
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    Lehrbuch der Koreanischen Sprache.Michael C. Rogers, Alois Pultr, Otto Bilek & Heinrich Junker - 1959 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 79 (2):161.
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  16. Johann Heinrich Lamberts Philosophie und seine Stellung zu Kant.Otto Baensch - 1903 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 55:226-228.
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    Johann Heinrich Lamberts Philosophie und seine Stellung zu Kant..Otto Baensch - 1902 - Magdeburg,: Druck von E. Baensch, Jun..
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    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi : Die „Wohnstubenkraft‟ ein Strahlungszentrum in Welt und Herz“.Otto Eberhard - 1958 - In Abendländische Erziehungsweisheit: Eine Hilfe Für Die Not der Gegenwart. De Gruyter. pp. 65-76.
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    3. Friedrich Heinrich Jakobi.Otto Pfleiderer - 1894 - In Chas M. Tyler (ed.), Geschichte der Religionsphilosophie von Spinoza bis auf die Gegenwart. Duke University Press. pp. 218-224.
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    Die lehre vom bewusstsein bei Heinrich Rickert..Otto Schlunke - 1911 - Leipzig,: Quelle & Meyer.
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  21. Body, Soul, and Nerves: Epicurus, Herophilus, Erasistratus, the Stoics, and Galen.Heinrich von Staden - 2000 - In John P. Wright & Paul Potter (eds.), Psyche and Soma: Physicians and Metaphysicians on the Mind-Body Problem From Antiquity to Enlightenment. New York: Clarendon Press.
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    Staging the past, staging oneself Galen 0n Hellenistic exegetical traditions.Heinrich von Staden - 2009 - In Christopher Gill, Tim Whitmarsh & John Wilkins (eds.), Galen and the world of knowledge. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  23. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi.Otto Müller - 1985 - In Helmut Danner, Otto Müller, Marcel Müller-Wieland & Gerhard Wehr (eds.), Zum Menschen erziehen: Pestalozzi, Steiner, Buber. Frankfurt am Main: M. Diesterweg.
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  24. (1 other version)Pfordten, Otto von der, Religionsphilosophie. [REVIEW]Heinrich Scholz - 1918 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 22:153.
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    Dialogik - Analogie - Trinität: ausgewählte Beiträge und Aufsätzes des Autors zu seinem 80. Geburtstag.Heinrich Beck - 2009 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Edited by Erwin Schadel.
    Heinrich Beck ist Jahrgang 1929, als o. Professor Inhaber des Lehrstuhls Philosophie I an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg bis 1997, Titular- und Honorarprofessor an sechs weiteren Universitäten in Europa und in Amerika, Dr. h.c. in Buenos Aires, Mitglied der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, Korrespondierendes Mitglied der Königlichen Spanischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Träger des deutschen Bundesverdienstkreuzes. Zentrum und Schlüssel seines philosophischen Denkens ist eine trinitarische Ontologie, die vor allem von Thomas von Aquin und Hegel inspiriert und zum christlichen (...)
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  26. The late Foucault and ancient medicine : Foucault's reading of Galen.Heinrich Schlange-Schöningen - 2020 - In Jean-Marc Narbonne, Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink & Heinrich Schlange-Schöningen (eds.), Foucault: repenser les rapports entre les Grecs et les Modernes. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval.
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    Die Zeit Jesu, Festschrift für Heinrich Schlier, hrsg. von Günther Bornkamm und Karl Rahner. Verlag Herder: Freiburg/Basel/Wien 1970, 336 pp. [REVIEW]Otto Merk - 1973 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 25 (1):91-92.
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    The History of Logic.Otto Bird - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):491 - 502.
    From the start the better logicians found much to take exception to in Prantl. Peirce, for example, describes him as "a writer of little judgment and over-rated learning, whose useful history of logic is full of blunders, misappreciations, and insensate theories, and whose own Billingsgate justifies almost any tone toward him". As is indicated in this comment, Prantl attempted to judge and assess the value of the logical achievements that he made the object of his study. However, he himself had (...)
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    (1 other version)Michael Josef Fesl: Briefe an Bernard Bolzano 1839–1841.Otto Neumaier & Peter Michael Schenkel (eds.) - 2023 - Academia – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    The most important and extensive of Bernard Bolzano’s (1781–1848) correspondences is the one with his student and friend Michael Josef Fesl (1788–1864) which comprises altogether some 730 letters. Due to the great number of letters, starting with 1831, only Bolzano’s contributions are contained in his Collected Writings. Therefore, Fesl’s letters to Bolzano are published in the series "Beitraege zur Bolzano-Forschung". The present volume contains 88 letters that Fesl wrote in the years 1839 to 1841 to his “most-beloved teacher and friend”. (...)
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    Die auferstandene Metaphysik..Dietrich Heinrich Kerler - 1921 - Ulm,: H. Kerler.
    Hans Drieschs "Wirklichkeitslehre".--Emanuel Laskers "Philosophie des Unvollendbar".--Carl Ludwig Schleich und die "neue Epoche der Weltanschauung".--Fr. J. Kurt Geisslers "System der Seinsgebiete".--Graf Hermann Keyserlings "Gefüge der Welt", "Reisetagebuch eines Philosophen", "Unsterblichkeit", "Prolegomena zur Naturphilosophie".--Henri Bergsons "Schöpferische Entwicklung".--L. William Sterns "Person und Sache".--G. Heymans "psychischer monismus".--Wilhelm Wundts "Sinnliche und übersinnliche Welt".--Emil Boutroux und die "Kontingenz der Naturgesetze".--Rudolf Otto, Christof Schrempf, Romain Rolland und die intuitive Methode des Welterkenens.--Rudolf Steiners "Philosophie der Freiheit".--Erich Becher und die fremddienliche Zweckmässigkeit.--Edmund Husserl, Heinrich Rickert, Emil (...)
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    Welt und Wirkung von Hegels Ästhetik.Annemarie Gethmann-Siefert & Otto Pöggeler (eds.) - 1986 - Bonn: Bouvier.
    Vorwort - Einleitung: Welt und Wirkung von Hegels Ästhetik I. KUNSTIDEAL UND KULTURPOLITIK. Otto Pöggeler. System und Geschichte der Künste bei Hegel - Helmut Schneider. Aus der Ästhetikvorlesung Hegels 1820/1821 - Lucia Sziborsky. Schelling und die Münchener Akademie der bildenden Künste. Zur Rolle der Kunst im Staat - Annemarie Gethmann-Siefert. Die Rolle der Kunst im Staat. Kontroverses zwischen Hegel und den Hegelianern II. DIE BILDENDEN KÜNSTE UND DIE HISTORIE. Heinrich Dilly. Hegel und Schinkel - Werner Busch. Wilhelm von (...)
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    A química fina que poderia ter sido: a extração de óleo de sassafrás e de safrol no alto e médio vale do Itajaí.Juergen Heinrich Maar & Ligia Cleia Casas Rosenbrock - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (4):799-820.
    O presente trabalho examina os aspectos históricos da extração do óleo de canela-sassafrás (Ocotea pretiosa Mez), rico em safrol, no Alto e Médio Vale do Itajaí, a partir de 1940, por iniciativa de Otto Grimm, no município de Rio do Sul. Apresenta-se o tema no contexto da memória química em Santa Catarina, e discutem-se os procedimentos utilizados, e principalmente os motivos que levaram tal indústria incipiente a não se converter em uma indústria de química fina. Para tanto, são apresentados (...)
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    Galens Traktat "Dass die Kräfte der Seele den Mischungen des Körpers folgen'' in arabischer Übersetzung. Hans Heinrich Biesterfeldt.Emilie Savage-Smith - 1977 - Isis 68 (4):635-636.
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    Otto Heinrich Jaegers Freiheitslehre.Herbert Witzenmann - 1859 - Dornach: Spicker. Edited by Otto Heinrich Jaeger.
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    Heinrich ganthaler/otto Neumaier, anfang und ende Des lebels. Beiträge zur medizinischen ethik.Markus Zimmermann-Acklin - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (3):311-313.
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    Aretaeus and Galen (1) Aretaeus. Edidit Carolus Hude. (2) Galeni De sanitate tuenda, De alimentorum facultatibus, De bonis malisque sucis, De victu attenuante, De ptisana. Ediderunt F. Konradus Koch, Georgius Helmreich, Carolus Kalbfleisch, Otto Hartlich. Aretaeus, pp. xxv + 183; Galen, pp. lxiii + 522. Leipzig and Berlin: Teubner, 1923. [REVIEW]W. H. S. Jones - 1926 - The Classical Review 40 (02):74-.
  37.  14
    Heinrich Gomperz and “Vienna Contextualism”.Luke O’Sullivan - 2022 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 17 (2):70-94.
    Austrian philosopher Heinrich Gomperz attempted to reconcile the Vienna Circle’s project of a unified science with the autonomy of historical knowledge. This article situates him in the context of the ongoing reassessment of the Vienna Circle in the history of philosophy. It argues that Gomperz’s synthesis of positivism with historicity was a response to difficulties raised by Rudolf Carnap and Otto von Neurath. Gomperz achieved his reconciliation via a theory of language and action that had affinities with both (...)
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    "paradoxes, Absurdities, And Madness": Conflict Over Alchemy, Magic And Medicine In The Works Of Andreas Libavius And Heinrich Khunrath.Peter Forshaw - 2008 - Early Science and Medicine 13 (1):53-81.
    Both Andreas Libavius and Heinrich Khunrath graduated from Basel Medical Academy in 1588, though the theses they defended reveal antithetical approaches to medicine, despite their shared interests in iatrochemistry and transmutational alchemy. Libavius argued in favour of Galenic allopathy while Khunrath promoted the contrasting homeopathic approach of Paracelsus and the utility of the occult doctrine of Signatures for medical purposes. This article considers these differences in the two graduates' theses, both as intimations of their subsequent divergent notions of the (...)
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    April 1751 − Oktober 1751.Johann Christoph Gottsched - 2022 - De Gruyter.
    Christoph Otto von Schönaich hatte im März 1751 sein Epos Hermann, oder das befreyte Deutschland an Gottsched geschickt. Schönaichs Briefe des Bandes 17 dokumentieren Gottscheds intensive Beschäftigung mit dem Werk, das im September 1751 der Öffentlichkeit mit Gottscheds Einleitung als Nationalepos präsentiert wurde. Als Ratgeber oder Publizist unterstützte Gottsched auch weitere literarische Aktivitäten, so verdankt sich die erste deutsche Ausgabe der Satiren Antioch Dmitrijewitsch Kantemirs einer Anregung Gottscheds. Briefe aus Potsdam informieren über Publikationsvorhaben Julien Offray de La Mettries und (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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    The Vienna Circle: Studies in the Origins, Development, and Influence of Logical Empiricism.Friedrich Stadler - 2015 - Cham: Springer.
    This abridged and revised edition of the original book (Springer-Wien-New York: 2001) offers the only comprehensive history and documentation of the Vienna Circle based on new sources with an innovative historiographical approach to the study of science. With reference to previously unpublished archival material and more recent literature, it refutes a number of widespread clichés about "neo-positivism" or "logical positivism". Following some insights on the relation between the history of science and the philosophy of science, the book offers an accessible (...)
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    The Neo-Kantian Reader.Sebastian Luft (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    The latter half of the nineteenth and the early part of the twentieth century witnessed a remarkable resurgence of interest in Kant’s philosophy in Continental Europe, the effects of which are still being felt today. _The Neo-Kantian Reader_ is the first anthology to collect the most important primary sources in Neo-Kantian philosophy, with many being published here in English for the first time. It includes extracts on a rich and diverse number of subjects, including logic, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, (...)
  43. On Split Negation, Strong Negation, Information, Falsification, and Verification.Heinrich Wansing - 2016 - In Katalin Bimbó (ed.), J. Michael Dunn on Information Based Logics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
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    Negation.Heinrich Wansing - 2001 - In Lou Goble (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 415–436.
    This chapter is concerned with logical aspects of negation, i.e. with the role of negation in valid inferences and hence with the contribution negation makes to the truth and falsity conditions of declarative expressions. Negation is an important philosophical and logical concept. Often differences between logical systems can ‐ at least partially ‐ be described as differences between the notions of negation used in these logics.
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    Psyche and Soma: Physicians and Metaphysicians on the Mind-Body Problem from Antiquity to Enlightenment (review).Richard A. Watson - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (1):142-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.1 (2001) 142-143 [Access article in PDF] Wright, John P. and Paul Potter, editors. Psyche and Soma: Physicians and Metaphysicians on the Mind-Body Problem from Antiquity to Enlightenment. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Pp. xii + 298. Cloth, $72.00. The mind-body problem has a long history that begins well before Descartes made it extreme by presenting mind as unextended active thinking and (...)
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    Sämtliche Werke von Plato (review).Philip Merlan - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (2):238-239.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:238 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY that enigmatic Swiss iatrochemist sympathetically. In any event, Dr. King's sympathetic approach to Paracelsus manages to throw considerable light on the Paracelsian advice to all future physicians: Don't read books! Read the stars, but read them "in Neo-Platonic fashion" (p. 114)! While the author is "judicious" about Galen and Paracelsus in particular, he is far from being so when it comes to Friedrich Hoffmann, (...)
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    Negation: a notion in focus.Heinrich Wansing (ed.) - 1996 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
    No detailed description available for "Negation".
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    The relationship of speech intelligibility with hearing sensitivity, cognition, and perceived hearing difficulties varies for different speech perception tests.Antje Heinrich, Helen Henshaw & Melanie A. Ferguson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    (1 other version)A History of Zen Buddhism.Heinrich Dumoulin & Paul Peachey - 1963 - Philosophy East and West 13 (3):264-265.
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    Tableaux for multi-agent deliberative-stit logic.Heinrich Wansing - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 503-520.
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